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Japanese Scissor Brands

June 02, 2021

Living in Australia it can be hard to know what brand is the best for what? Seeing as Australia gets so many things from overseas, whether it's European, Asian, Middle Eastern, the list can go on. However, when it comes to hairdressing scissors, most if not all hairdressers know that Japanese hairdressing scissors are the best in the business! With Japanese hairdressing scissors it's very well known that none other than the highest quality steel is used on all of the hairdressing scissors. As long as high quality steel is used the Japanese scissors can really do no wrong. Australian hairdressers/barbers will look straight to Japanese scissor brands knowing that the high quality steel wont let them down in their hairdressing career and the many years to come of their career.

So what are the best Japanese hairdressing scissor brands you ask? We did our research, our very long research and found that the best Japanese scissor brands are Matsui scissors, Yasaka scissors, Jowell scissors. These 3 Japanese brands have gone through tough testing and put to work with some extreme cases and have shown that time and time again they come out just as strong with little to no imperfections on the scissors themselves, which goes to prove only the highest quality of steel is used on these brands to create the best Japanese scissors. So let's explore the scissors a little more shall we!?

Matsui Scissors

Matsui scissors, where do we start!? Clearly I put it first on the list for a reason, not only from personal experience using then but also because if you dig deep into the history/how they have been created you will discover why the Matsui scissor range is so popular and have had huge success in the hairdressing and barber scissor industry. So speaking of digging deep, we did all the digging for you and made it super easy to know about the Matsui scissors range. Matsui hairdressing and barbering scissors are made from the one and only Aichi steel, the Aichi steel is the strongest and highest quality of steel on the market for scissors grading at 440C which again is the highest and best quality steel.

Matsui was originally established in 1998, the brand Matsui represents strong quality scissors, with excellent value for money, keeping it affordable for everyone, all while offering a wide range of hairdressing scissors in many different colours and styles to suit any hairdresser or barber. Many hairdressers and barbers choose the Matsui brand over any other because they know that not only are they getting a strong reliable scissor for the many years to come in their career, but also because they know that comfort overrides anything in the hair industry.

The Matsui scissors have many different styles to ensure that the hairdresser or barber themselves can feel comfortable enough for not just the day but the whole longevity of their career with their pair of Matsui scissors taking care of their hands/fingers and wrist. Don't believe me? Check out scissortech.com.au and explore the Matsui range and see for yourself!

Yasaka Scissors

So if you twisted my arm and made me choose another brand other than Matsui, next in line would be Yasaka scissors. Yasaka scissors is another one of many Japanese hairdressing scissor brands, but takes the lead by having the shears manufactured from of course high quality, stainless steel in Japan. Yasaka scissors are well known for their hardness of steel, high resistance to corrosion and of course the minimal to no everyday wear and tear.

The Yasaka scissors are exclusively designed for the professional that knows how to handle a high quality scissor. The Yasaka offset ergonomics handle fits your hand perfectly, giving you maximum control for the perfect cut time and time again. Having the Yasaka offset ergonomics handle allows the professional to have complete control when cutting hair due to having optimum comfort all the way. 

This being said the design isn't the best part - the best part is that the Japanese steel of the blade has been made to allow minimal maintenance of your Yasaka scissors so you're not constantly having to sharpen your shears. However, please don't neglect your scissors either keep a normal maintenance routine. The high quality Yasaka hair cutting shears and don't forget the thinning scissors to match, are certainly one to keep in mind for when it's time for your next upgrade.

Jowell Scissors

Much like the other two brands mentioned above, the Jowell brand has of course something in common with them which is why Jowell made it to the top three Japanese scissor brands. What is it you ask? Well if it's not obvious already, it's the Japanese steel of the scissor that it's made from. As said before, the Japanese steel is high quality which is the best hairdressing scissors money can buy! The Jowell brand has been around for many years now which is why these Jowell scissors are expertly crafted to create a high quality, Japanese steel hairdressing scissor, with comfort, style and convex edge blades give the perfect cut for your clients.

Jowell being established since 1975 have made them a clear front runner for some time now and are known to have the quality and comfort of a Japanese scissor to ensure the hairdresser/ barber purchasing them will have a long career with their new pair of scissors, all while making sure the quality of the scissor and steel used is perfect every time. Much like the Matsui and Yasaka scissor brands have the sharp convex edge blade that allow you to have the maximum use out of your shears before you re sharpen them - therefore saving you money in the long run on maintenance costs.

The Jowell scissors have many different styles to suit the hairdresser and barber, seeing as no two stylist's are the same. Jowell has designs including an ergonomic handle and the offset handle to suit any hairdresser or barber. The best hairdressing scissors I personally have used have an offset handle design and I find my wrists aren't being turned in a damaging way. The offset handle allows me to have the more natural and relaxed feel when cutting. However, every hairdresser is different and what may work for me won't necessarily work for others. The Jowell brand being one of the Japanese hairdressing scissor brands are like the other two mentioned above, they are great for the hairdressing and barber professional wanting a top quality Japanese shear that will not only last them but will look good too!

Japanese hairdressing scissors

Japanese hairdressing scissors are by far the most reliable scissors on the market. Other hairdressing scissor brands are good don't get me wrong, but if you want the quality, precision, convex edge and stylish hair cutting scissors - then you're absolutely better off going for Japanese shears. If you have your standard hair cutting scissors and you don't know much about the pair you currently have because you think 'well it's just hairdressing scissors' then please put them down now and stop hairdressing!

I say this because having any old hair scissors will do A job, but not THE job. Whereas when you spend money on your tools, you want to make sure you're not blowing your money on cheap and nasty scissors that won't last long and will need to be replaced sooner than you want. Where as if you do that little bit of research (the reason you're reading this article now) you can be sure that scissors from Japan give you and us the confidence that you will be the salon super star with the best Japanese shears out there, making you a hair wizard because you FINALLY have the best tools for the job. Now I bet you're wondering what the above Japanese hairdressing scissors feel like or cut like!? Well if you jump on Scissor tech's website you can grab yourself a great deal on a Japanese brand scissor like the above, plus more like them! Happy scissor shopping!


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