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How To Prolong The Life of Your Hairdressing Scissors

Your hairdressing scissors are the tools of your trade – and couldn’t be more important. When you invest in a quality pair of scissors, you can prolong their life so that you’ll get the very best return from your investment.


Do you wipe your scissors with a soft clean cloth after every haircut? This will reduce the build-up of chemicals and hair which may affect the performance of your scissors throughout the working day. When the blades of scissors are covered with hair, styling residue, moisture and chemicals, corrosion can occur. The blades will be pushed away from each other so your scissor won’t work smoothly. This will make you push vertically with your thumb and the blades will get dull fast. Regular cleaning will help keep the blades stay sharp longer.


Do you lubricate your scissors regularly? After cleaning and drying your scissors open your scissor to a 90 degree angle and apply a drop of scissor oil to where the scissor pivots. This will push dirt, debris and hair from under the pivot. If you want to prolong the life of your scissors, you should lubricate your scissors every day. You’ll protect your scissors against chemical corrosion and moisture. Cleaning and oiling regularly keeps hairs off the blade and more importantly, away from the screw.

Use the right kind of oil

Always use the correct kind of oil designed especially for scissors. Ordinary oils are normally made from petroleum and this leaves a very sticky residue which will affect the performance of the scissors. Ordinary oils also contain impurities such as sulfur, waxes, and unstable hydrocarbons which are left behind as residue deposits. This will make your scissors almost impossible to work with. Using scissor oil will keep the pivot area smooth and allow the blades to work smoothly together without damaging each other.


How often do you check the balance of your scissors? If the tension is too loose it will cause your scissors to fold and bend the hair and if it’s too tight it will cause premature wear of the blade edges and user fatigue. You can test the tension of your scissors yourself. Hold the scissors with the points/tips upwards, lift one handle up to a 90 degree angle and then let go of the handle. If the blade closes quickly and completely then the tension is much too loose. The blades of a correctly adjusted scissor will perform together without any side movement or strain on the thumb. This will reduce on-going maintenance and add longevity. Well maintained, good quality scissors cut better and are kinder on the hands.


At the end of a long day, make sure you store your scissors carefully. When your scissors are not being used, keep the blades closed as this will reduce the chance of accidental damage to the blade edges. It is best to store your scissors in a protective case whenever they are not in your hands. The last thing you want is someone else using your scissors for other purposes.


Always choose an experienced provider when it’s time to have your scissors sharpened. Your scissors will have a very long lasting sharp edge if they are serviced correctly. A sharpening service of good repute will have the facility and experience to sharpen and re-balance scissors.

How often should you sharpen your scissors?
Scissors should be sharpened on average between 6 - 24 months. Several variables will affect this estimate. For example, cutting unwashed dry hair is much harder on scissors than clean wet hair. Another factor is the quality of your scissors. Lesser quality scissors are made from lower quality steel which do not hold an edge as long. In general, if you find your scissors pulling, folding or catching the hair, particularly at the tips, or if they have been dropped, then they need to be checked.

Make sure you invest well

It is the case that you get what you pay for in the world of hairdressing scissors. Generally, a high quality scissor made from superior steel will cost more, but last longer and offer better performance. A good scissor retailer or maker should be able to tell you how their scissors are made, where they are made, and what kind of steel they used in manufacture.

A good retailer or maker should also deal quickly and fairly with any questions, problems or concerns you have about your scissors. We recommend that you ask lots of questions prior to making your investment so that you make a well-informed decision

Good quality scissors usually offers a lifetime warranty against manufacturer’s defects. Your scissors are an investment and if there is manufacturer's defect, the scissor manufacturer or retailer should support you and your investment and fix the problem. If you choose your shears carefully and care for them properly, they will serve you in comfort for many years.

Quick Tips to Prolong the Life of Your Scissors

Use a soft clean cloth and thoroughly wipe your scissors after every haircut.

Clean, dry and lubricate your scissors at the end of each working day.

Check your scissors for correct tension adjustment at least once per day.

Check your blade edges for sharpness once per month.

Store your scissors carefully.

How Not to Prolong the Life of Your Scissors

Don’t use your scissors if the blades are nicked.

Don’t store your scissors when dirty.

Don’t throw your scissors in a drawer when not in use.

Don’t let your scissors come into contact with any sterilization liquid, perm or colour solution as it may damage and cause corrosion to your scissors.

No matter what kind of hairdressing scissors you need, we sell them! With low prices, second-to-none service and reputation that can’t be beaten, you’ll know you’re buying the best when you buy from us.

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